Search Analytics Implementation – Prefixbox Documentation

Search Analytics

In order to get started with any Prefixbox product you will need to first implement Analytics – all of our products learn and continuously improve based on this data, so analytics is a key part of a great search.

Note: Since Prefixbox provides data-driven search solutions, please understand that you must have at least 30.000 on-site searches / month in your webshop for us to be able to make meaningful improvements.

In order to activate the detailed search analytics, there are a few additional JavaScript calls that you need to implement on your site. Details are described here: Prefixbox Page Events. Based on the detailed search analytics, Prefixbox can compute the correct order of the suggestions.

Get started with the free Site Search Analytics

To get started with our Site Search Analytics, please create a free account on the Prefixbox website and complete the following 3 steps.
Find additional documentation here:

1. Step – Product feed URL by the Customer

To configure the Site Search Analytics we need a product feed URL from you that contains all the products that can be purchased on your site.

Prefixbox will refresh this list by downloading it from the provided URL multiple times per day, so we only need this from you once.

Your product feed URL must be available in one of the following formats:

  • XML
  • CSV / TSV
  • JSON

For this integration, we need the following product attributes:

  • Identifier [mandatory]: The unique ID of the product. Type: string.
  • ProductName [mandatory]: The display text of the product, typically this is the product name. Type: string.
  • AlternativeProductName [optional]: If the product has an alternative display text, fill out this field. Type: string.
  • Url [mandatory]: The full (absolute) URL of the product. Type: string.
  • ImageUrl [mandatory]: The absolute URL of the image of the product. Type: string.
  • Category[mandatory]: The category of the product. E.g.: electronic devices/laptops/accessories. Type: string.
  • Price[mandatory]: The price of the product. Type: double.
  • OldPrice[optional]: The old price of the product (e.g. you have some kind of promotion that changes the regular price). Type: double.

Note: If you don’t already have a product feed URL available, please find our documentation on how to create one in JSON format: JSON product feed format

2. Step – plugin.js configuration by the Prefixbox Customer Success team

Based on the product feed, the Prefixbox Customer Success Team will set up a one-line JavaScript plugin.js under your subscription.

When the JavaScript configuration is done, we will send you the unique snippet (plugin.js) which is needed for the Page Events tracking integration on your website.

3. Step – Page events integration by the Customer

After receiving the unique plugin.js from the Prefixbox Customer Success Team, you’ll have to add that that to your website HTML code.

In order to finish the integration, there are a few additional JavaScript calls (e.g.: No Result Found, Result Clicked, Add to Cart, etc.) that you need to implement (Front End) on your side for the Page Events tracking.

Details are described here: Prefixbox Page Events


Once this is successfully integrated, you will be able to see the detailed metrics in the Search Analytics dashboard in the Prefixbox Portal.

During the first month, we are happy to walk you through the Search Analytics dashboard and help you understand all of the tracked metrics.

Developer requirements

For the 3rd step of the Site Search Analytics integration you will need a Front End developer.

We are happy to provide any additional help, free of charge.

Estimated effort

1 hour